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Who We Are

Our team has expertise across Management, Engineering, Product and Design.

Amit Jain headshot

Amit Jain

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Jordy Zagdanski headshot

Jordy Zagdanski

Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer


How We Work

Principles & Values

These principles are pervasive in the way that we work. We believe that these principles lead to an efficient, productive and fun working environment with employees that are happy and deeply engaged.

  • Understand before doing a task

    Determine the desired outcomes. Consider across the breadth and dive into the depth. Breadth looks at the impact on customers, the organization, and how things might change in the future. Depth starts by identifying risks, unknowns, dependencies and longer-term tasks.

  • Learn & apply new skills

    Skill development increases engagement and productivity. Coaching and skill development is incorporated into day-to-day activities. Every task is also an opportunity to develop a broader skill.

  • Have open, honest & constructive communication

    Discuss ideas, thoughts, and opinions in a respectful manner. Disagreement does not necessitate conflict. Highly energized debates occur without worry of hurt feelings.

  • Engender a collaborative environment

    Deliver feedback that allows us to become better. Collaborate with others to build on ideas, play as devil’s advocate, and get reviews to make what we are doing that much better.

  • Be contemplative and thoughtful

    The definition of Reflectivity (hence the company name). Think about how to approach a problem by using knowledge, creative alternatives and new advancements.

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